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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
British History Quiz

British History Quiz

A British History quiz that includes 20 questions about British history, including a range of topics and spanning over 1000 years. Also included is a bonus round worth up to an extra 23 points. This is useful for some end of term fun or as a general quiz to check children's general knowledge of British history and can be done individually or in teams.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Reading Comprehension

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Reading Comprehension

Three extracts from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows with three sets of differentiated questions attached with each extract. These activities will help children work on a range of comprehension skills using a story many are already aware of and engaged with. Questions range from simple retrieval to commenting on why particular language has been used. ***The extracts used are copyright of the author J.K Rowling.
Newspaper planning and resources

Newspaper planning and resources

Fully planned, differentiated and resourced unit of work looking at newspapers. Included are all the slides, planning and resources needed to run each lesson, with 15-17 lessons that focus on key features of newspapers and work on different skills before completing their own independent writing. Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable between Year 3 and Year 7. Skills include: Using alliteration, punctuating speech accurately, converting direct speech to reported speech and work on pronouns. ***The extracts used are copyright of the author J.K Rowling, Roald Dahl, Trinity Media Group and News UK respectively .
Year 6 Electricity (Planning, Slides and Resources)

Year 6 Electricity (Planning, Slides and Resources)

Attached is a full set of differentiated planning and resources for six lessons for electricity that cover the curriculum aims for Year 6. Included within this are tips for writing scientifically, looking at what needs to be included as well as a model example of a conclusion and what makes it good. Lesson One - The history of electricity - Reading Comprehension with answers included Lesson Two - Staying safe with electricity Lesson Three - What make good conductors Lesson Four - Circuits and symbols Lessons Five and Six - Conducting an experiment into variations in how components function During the unit of planning children will get to work on different skills including practising their reading comprehension, creating posters and writing scientifically.
Evolution and inheritance quiz Year 6

Evolution and inheritance quiz Year 6

A quiz that is a bit of fun/end of topic assessment for evolution and inheritance in Year 6. It takes on the form of a Who Wants to be a Millionaire quiz with children competing individually, in teams or just doing it as a class as a bit of fun and a recap.
South America Fact File

South America Fact File

28 page Powerpoint that introduces the continent of South America to children. Within the Powerpoint, the 12 sovereign states of South America are included. Included are the flags for every country, the capital city and main language for each country as well as two to three facts for every country in South America. Useful for introducing South America or countries within South America as well as being able to create a fact file using the slides.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

A Powerpoint that looks at the relationship between addition and subtraction and between multiplication and division. Useful as an introduction or a recap for children, exploring the links between operations as well as introducing algebraic links for children and the way in which the equals sign can move about fluidly. Includes questions for children to try and solve, with some being more complex than others.
English Lessons Bundle

English Lessons Bundle

20 Resources
A bundle of lessons for English or lesson presentations that can be used. Predominantly aimed at Years 5 and 6.
English Lessons Bundle 2

English Lessons Bundle 2

19 Resources
A bundle of lessons for English or lesson presentations that can be used. Predominantly aimed at Years 5 and 6.


7 Resources
A bundle of resources linked to speech. Also included is a grammar and punctuation resource.
Black History Month Reading Comprehensions

Black History Month Reading Comprehensions

5 Resources
A bundle of reading comprehensions related to famous people that links to any work around Black History Month, focussing on significant figures and their lives whilst also developing comprehension abilities.
Place Value

Place Value

16 Resources
A variety of resources linked to the teaching of place value.
Materials (Year 5 Scheme of Work)

Materials (Year 5 Scheme of Work)

Teach children all about materials with this block of differentiated lesson plans and resources. These six lessons ensure children cover a variety of activities whilst ensuring curriculum coverage. Lesson One - Grouping different materials Lesson Two - Materials as insulators Lesson Three - Materials as conductors Lesson Four - Dissolving Lesson Five - Separating a mixture of materials Lesson Six - Reversible and irreversible changes
Information Text Scheme of Work x 2 (Planning, Slides, Resources)

Information Text Scheme of Work x 2 (Planning, Slides, Resources)

3 Resources
Two fully planned and resourced schemes of work for writing information texts. Included are: Fully planned, differentiated and resourced unit of work looking at information texts, writing an information text about the white elephant from The Firework-Maker's Daughter. Included are all the slides, planning and resources needed to run each lesson, with 10 lessons that focus on key features of information texts and work on different skills before completing their own independent writing. Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable between Year 3 and Year 7. Skills include: planning, reading comprehension, using generalisers, peer-assessing writing, creating a glossary and structuring a text with sub-headings and a topic phrase. Fully planned, differentiated and resourced unit of work looking at information texts. Included are all the slides, planning and resources needed to run each lesson, with 14-15 lessons that focus on key features of information texts and work on different skills before completing their own independent writing. Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable between Year 3 and Year 7. Skills include: researching and planning, reading comprehension, using generalisers, creating a glossary and structuring a text with sub-headings and a topic phrase. Also included are a set of guided reading activity cards.


9 Resources
A range of resources aimed at using written division.